Veronika Drake - Finding my purpose-Jennifer Jane Young

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My Intuition made me save my life and find my purpose

Veronica Drake’s story is one of Divine intervention. Although she felt that her life was no longer worth living, her guides felt differently and intervened in a way that made Veronica completely shift her perception.

Chills went through my spine as I heard Veronica describe how, after one life-changing event, she went from complete despair to deep purpose.

This is one episode where I broke down in tears because I was so deeply touched by her story, in particular a moment when she offered guidance to a grieving family at the hospital. I have experienced firsthand Veronica’s intuitive gifts, and let me tell you, they are quite astonishing.

May this episode remind you of the gifts that are awaiting you in your life and the deep healing and transformation that can happen in those darker moments!

“Everything is better when you share it” – Oprah

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