My intuition made me do it - Patrick Ryan - Jennifer Jane Young - Intuitive Leadership

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My Intuition made me pump the brakes and save my soul

Today we are joined by Patrick Ryan, one of the most inspirational male leaders in my circle. In this heart-warming interview, Patrick shares how he pumped the brakes in a moment of his life when he knew he was not aligned and really struggling mentally and emotionally. Instead of continuing to push forward, work harder and hustle (as we’ve been taught), he began to slow down and turn inwards as he embarked on a deep healing journey that changed his life.

Patrick is in the fitness industry and he teaches you how to stay fit for life, but not just physically; mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. Him and his beautiful wife Meagan, have embarked on a journey together to transform people’s lives by taking into account the whole person in front of them.

 I can guarantee that this episode will inspire you to want to live better, love more and slow down to take in this beautiful experience of life.

👟 If you are ready to overcome inconsistency on your health journey and build a fitness foundation that compliments your life rather than complicates it, join Ryan and Megan in their free Facebook group here!

“Everything is better when you share it” – Oprah

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For Intuitive, Empathic Entrepreneurs, Creatives & Leaders!

Activate your YES, remove what is out of alignment, heal what is keeping you stuck. Live your YES life!

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