My Intuition Made Me Do It-Anne S Hall

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My Intuition made me obey healing my trauma

Today’s episode is a sensitive topic and one that truly needs to be discussed.

In this episode, Anne courageously and honestly shares her journey of healing after sexual assault she experienced and how her intuition helped guide her to the healing she needed.

She highlights the importance and purpose of healing, a journey many of us are scared to embark on. She reminds us how anxiety can show up in the body and why our brain associates the “bad” and scary feeling of that anxiety as a danger zone to step into, when truly those feelings are guide posts to the healing that needs to take place.

We all have a past that has affected us in some way, that requires de-conditioning and healing, yet the idea of going deep into past pain can be something that paralyzes us.

May Anne’s story inspire you to embark on your own healing journey so that you can experience the freedom and peace that you deserve.

If you are a victim of sexual assault, we encourage you to reach out to someone and get the support you need. Below are some resources that Anne has shared to support the healing journey related to sexual assault:

Organizations that have directly helped Anne:


Start Your Say YES Journey

Activate your YES, remove what is out of alignment, heal what is keeping you stuck. Live your YES life!

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