Jennifer Jane Young_Compassionate Leadership_Wade Bruffey_Zoltan Sarda_Go Mobi

Episode #14: Compassionate Leadership with Wade Bruffey & Zoltan Sarda

Seeing powerful, compassionate men pave the path to the new style of leadership that our world so desperately needs is SO inspiring to me. This is exactly what Wade Bruffey and Zoltan Sarda are doing. In this episode we talk about synchronicities and how their paths crossed and led them to do this powerful leadership work together (best story ever!).

The kind of cultures they are dedicated to creating in organizations will inspire you to start choosing where you work and who you work with based on your core values and how they align with the guiding principles of the companies you work with! This is a beautiful conversation about co-creation and compassionate AND powerful leadership!

Wade Bruffey and Zoltan Sarda are Co-Founders of GoMobi, a leadership coaching and organizational development firm that helps companies align for great results, happy teams, and satisfied customers. Their team has over 30 years of experience in helping businesses and their leaders develop their guiding principles to inform everything that the company does, and create a culture of coaching that makes employees more effective and happier at work. In businesses big and small, the GoMobi process helps leaders set better goals, improves employee engagement, and helps improve the bottom line – and customers notice. GoMobi has produced tangible results for companies with headcounts from 12 to 1200 to help them work more efficiently across teams, open new locations, connect more deeply with their markets, and release better products. Find us online at

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