Say Yes
To your dream life
Write the book. Start the business. Take the trip. Take the leap!
NOVEMBER THEME: The life you were designed for
There is no Dream Life Activator in October as we will be at The Limitless Retreat
Join our next Dream Life Activator Monthly Workshop on Friday, November 1st at 3 pm EST to activate and align with the powerful energy of the New Moon to intentionally design your dream life from the guidance of your Intuition!
ENVISION, FEEL & EMBODY your Dream Life and make it your new reality!
In this workshop we are going to:
Discuss the key elements you need to align to design your dream life:
✨ Belief in yourself
✨ Your capacity to clearly hear and trust your intuition
✨ The courage to take imperfect action outside of your comfort zone
✨ The Dream life for your age and stage because it will change as you change
✨ And more!!!
Leveraging the energy of the new moon:
The new moon symbolizes fresh starts, new beginnings, and the potential for growth and transformation. It’s an ideal time to set intentions and goals that you will nurture as you move toward fullness, on the upcoming full moon. It’s a potent time to initiate beginnings. This time is ripe and can be leveraged each month to keep moving toward your visions, dreams and intentions!
Embody the vision:
We will tap into the power of Quantum Physics and feel the vision of that desired life so that we can embody it NOW, helping our nervous systems relax into the knowing that this life is already ours to live and close the gap between desiring it and having it.
Your INTUITION is the compass that will lead you to the life you really want!
Join us for this FREE workshop!
Friday, November 1st at 3 pm EST